All Neural Dynamics Forum talks during Autumn 2020 will take place online through Zoom, details as below.
Meeting ID: 932 7630 6396
Password: 815933
1PM December 18th – Tobias U. Hauser (UCL)
Do we need a developmental computational psychiatry?
Many psychiatric disorders arise during adolescence, a time when the
brain undergoes fundamental reorganisation. However, it is unclear
whether and how the emergence of mental health problems is linked to
aberrant neurocognitive development. In my talk, I will discuss why it
is critical to understand (aberrant) cognitive and brain development if
we want to better understand how mental health problems arise. I will
present findings showing how psychiatric traits are linked to adolescent
brain myelination, and illustrate why computational neuroscience
approaches could be important in understanding psychiatric disorders.
1PM December 11th – Aleks Domanski (University of Bristol)
During sensory processing under ambiguous conditions, integration of multisensory information may improve the extraction of input statistics and increase the accuracy of predictions about upcoming information. The computational principles underlying such a boost in predictive coding and their vulnerabilities to disruption, notably in Autistic individuals, remain poorly understood. Alongside primary sensory afferents, the recurrently connected network of primary visual cortex (V1) receives modulatory input from other sensory and frontal brain structures. Indeed, previous work demonstrates that visually tuned neurons in V1 also respond to tones and noise bursts. Recurrently connected ensembles of neurons conveying mixed combinations of audio-visual variables could, as demonstrated in higher-order brain circuits, provide a powerful computational substrate to facilitate the nonlinear classification of ambiguous sensory input. However, this is unexplored in the context of viewing more dynamically complex naturalistic scenes.
Here, I will examine a large population calcium imaging dataset (1000~2000 cells) from mouse V1 to study how past and current multisensory input statistics are integrated by the circuit during ambiguous natural movie viewing to improve the fidelity of predictive coding.
9AM December 4th – Jihwan Myung (Taipei Medical University)
Deep digital phenotypes using computational modeling, machine learning, and mobile technology
Machine learning has the potential to facilitate the development of computational methods that improve the measurement of cognitive and mental functioning, and adaptive design optimization (ADO) is a promising machine-learning method that might lead to rapid, precise, and reliable markers of individual differences. In this talk, I will present a series of studies that utilized ADO in the area of decision-making and for the development of ADO-based digital phenotypes for addictive behaviors. Lastly, I will introduce an open-source Python package, ADOpy, which we developed to increase the accessibility of ADO to even researchers who have limited background in Bayesian statistics or cognitive modeling.
1PM November 13th – Naoki Masuda (University at Buffalo)
Recurrence analysis of dynamic functional brain networks of individuals with epilepsy
Functional brain networks have been suggested to vary over time. We propose a new method to characterize dynamics of functional brain networks using the so-called recurrence plots (RPs) and their quantification. RPs and recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) were originally proposed for single nonlinear time series and have been applied to a range of dynamical systems and empirical data including neural signals. Here we propose these methods for dynamic networks, where recurrence is defined at the level of the functional networks, i.e., a network recurs to a past network if the distance between the two networks is sufficiently small. For resting-state magnetoencephalographic dynamic functional networks, we found that functional networks tended to recur more rapidly in people with epilepsy than healthy controls. For stereo electroencephalography (sEEG) data, we found that dynamic functional networks involved in epileptic seizures emerged before seizure onset, and RQA allowed us to detect seizures. The proposed methods can also be used for trying to understand dynamic functional networks in brain function in health and other neurological disorders.
1PM November 6th – Rick Adams (UCL)
Subjects with a diagnosis of schizophrenia show consistent differences from controls in neuroimaging paradigms such as resting state (rsEEG and rsfMRI), mismatch negativity (MMN) and 40 Hz auditory steady state response (ASSR). The underlying circuit changes causing these group differences are unclear, however, and it is not known whether the same abnormalities could underlie group differences in all paradigms. Nevertheless, it is widely hypothesised that schizophrenia involves a loss of synaptic gain – e.g. due to NMDA receptor dysfunction – and disrupted ‘balance’ between excitatory and inhibitory transmission in cortical circuits. Here we analyse a neuroimaging dataset containing data from controls (n=107), subjects diagnosed with schizophrenia (Scz, n=108) and their first degree relatives (n=57) each undergoing rsEEG, rsfMRI, MMN and 40 Hz ASSR paradigms. We use a variety of dynamic causal modelling approaches to estimate synaptic gain and other circuit parameters in auditory and frontal areas. We find some striking commonalities across paradigms, not just in synaptic gain in the Scz group, but also in relationships with symptoms and cognitive function. The potential for development of a model-based biomarker of synaptic gain is discussed.
1PM October 30th – Michael J. Frank (Brown University)
Striatal dopamine computations in learning about agency
The basal ganglia and dopaminergic systems are well studied for their roles in reinforcement learning and reward-based decision making. Much work focuses on “reward prediction error” (RPE) signals conveyed by dopamine and used for learning. Computational considerations suggest that such signals may be enriched beyond the classical global and scalar RPE computation, to support more structured learning in distinct sub-circuits (“vector RPEs”). Such signals allow an agent to assign credit to the level of action selection most likely responsible for the outcomes, and hence to enhance learning depending on the generative task statistics. I will present experimental data from mice showing spatiotemporal dynamics of dopamine terminal activity and release across the dorsal striatum in the form of traveling waves that support learning about agency.